Training courses

CBRN Warning and Reporting Centre Management

  • Date: 11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024
  • Status: NATO Approved
  • ETOC code: WMD-MD-25631
  • Security level: NATO Unclassified releasable to PfP, MD, ICI, PatG*
  • Course fee: 2500 CZK (approx. 100 EUR)**
  • Seats: 12, max 25 participants
  • Deadline for enrollment: 28/05/2024
  • Venue: JCBRN Defence COE, Vyškov, Czech Republic

This course trains CBRN (W&R) Centre staff personnel to create inputs for NATO or national CBRN systems. Through this course, participants will be able to process information to provide operational command and other decision-makers with real-time guidance on the current CBRN operational environment needed to aid a headquarters decision-making process.

Learning Objective:
This course describes a CBRN (W&R) organization’s responsibilities, principles, and procedures. Participants will practice CBRN Centre (W&R) organization work, operations, and procedures during both a NATO Article 5 and an “out of area” operation. Upon course completion, the participant will gain mastery of how to use CBRN-Analysis for automated CBRN (W&R) systems and other CBRN knowledge management functional areas, skills needed to understand the organization and responsibilities, principles, and procedures for use in an automated CBRN Centre.

Expected Training Audience:
This course is designed for CBRN staff personnel who are responsible for creating a CBRN (W&R) Plan or managing a CBRN (W&R) organization - e.g., an Area Control Centre (ACC) or Zone Control Centre (ZCC).

*PfP – Partnership for Peace; MD – Mediterranean Dialogue; ICI – Istanbul Cooperation Initiative; PatG – Partners across the Globe
**no fee for the JCBRN Defence COE Sponsoring Nations and Contribution Partner