Knowledge, Expertise, Innovation




About us

Mission Statement

The Centre provides advice in all CBRN defence-related areas; develops CBRN defence doctrines, standards and knowledge to support the improvement of interoperability and capabilities; provides opportunities to enhance education and training; contributes to the lessons learned processes; and within an approved Programme of Work, assists NATO, Sponsoring Nations and Partners in their CBRN defence related efforts including validation through experimentation and operational (technical and scientific CBRN Reachback) support.


The JCBRN Defence COE leads institutional and operational efforts to support NATO capability development, mission effectiveness, and interoperability. Through the approved Programme of Work (POW), the JCBRN Defence COE strives to promote adaptive and innovative methods for preventing proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and protecting against CBRN incidents.

Who We Are / What We Do

The Centre combines skills and expertise from more than 70 personnel from fourteen nations in the areas of CBRN concept and doctrine, capabilities development, defence planning, experimentation, training, exercises, education, lessons learned, reachback, modelling & simulation and operations support; acts as NATO Department Head for WMD/CBRN defence training and education; and acts as European Union Military Training Discipline Leader for WMD/CBRN. The Centre also forms the core of the NATO CBRN reachback capability providing timely, coordinated, authoritative and detailed technical and scientific support. Particularly, the Centre provides advice on CBRN hazards and defensive countermeasures, drawing upon remote expert sources of information. The Centre is also expanding outreach efforts beyond a purely military focus to civil-military, European Union, other international organizations, academia. industry cooperation and developing its Internship programme.

Call for Tender

Welcome to the JCBRN Defence COE Procurement website where you can find key information about business opportunities with the JCBRN Defence COE.

In case you are interested in the announced tenders, you are kindly requested to keep the instructions in the “Invitation to Bid”, complete the Supplier Cover Sheet for the procurement and submit it along with your bid (quote or proposal) either electronically to or by mail to JCBRN Defence COE, Logistics Support Section, Víta Nejedlého 3, 682 01 Vyškov, Czech Republic, as described in the ongoing tenders below.

The JCBRN Defence COE reserves the right to accept the whole or part of any bid (quotation/offer), to reject all bids (quotations/offers), or to suspend the bidding process at any time prior to contract award. The JCBRN Defence COE also reserves the right to enter into negotiation with the lowest technically acceptable bidder. The JCBRN Defence COE does not accept any liability for above mention action(s) as well as any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of the reason for the JCBRN Defence COE’s action.

Ongoing Tenders

Completed Tenders

Awarded Contracts (pdf - table)