
Mathias Katsuya Internship experience

On the 20th of May 2024, I began a six-week internship at the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyškov, the Czech Republic. Much of my work centred on an independent project investigating the potential for enhanced cooperation between NATO and the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) in countering the threat of CBRN terrorism. I conducted secondary-source and statistical analyses to produce a CBRN threat assessment, before building on this research through interviews with COE and Europol personnel to outline avenues for deepened NATO-Europol engagement. My final report is currently undergoing a pre-publication review within the COE, with the goal of disseminating its recommendations among NATO and Europol’s Counter Terrorism Centre.

Though my time at the COE was short, I could not have asked for a more enriching experience. Upon my arrival, for instance, I was given the opportunity to complete the “NATO’s Activities Countering WMD Course”, joining a diverse cohort of military and civilian practitioners for a week-long immersion into the Alliance’s CBRN doctrine and capabilities. This degree of exposure continued throughout my internship; from my supervisor's tireless efforts to organise interviews with COE personnel to informal conversations with subject-matter experts in domains such as unmanned systems or NATO-EU cooperation, the breadth of knowledge available to young professionals in the COE is truly unparalleled.

Perhaps most of all, my experience at the COE was defined by the continued kindness and encouragement of its members. Whether through participation in formal events like the 2024 Summer Evaluation or the simple gesture of being invited to join staff members at lunch, I was immediately welcomed into the organisation and treated as another member of the team. In this sense, I am grateful for my COE colleagues, both military and civilian, whose support were central to this deeply rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Author: Mathias Katsuya