
CBRNe/HAZMAT First Responders Course for CBRN first responders from the State of Kuwait


In cooperation with the National Institute of NBC Defence of the Czech Republic, the JCBRN Defence COE is proud to announce that it will be conducting an advanced CBRNe/HAZMAT First Responders Course for CBRN first responders from the State of Kuwait. This six-week course is part of a larger CBRNe/HAZMAT Train the Trainers Program that will provide the State of Kuwait with qualified CBRNe/HAZMAT incident response experts and instructors. Course attendees will be from across the spectrum of first responders, including military and civilian firefighters, medical professionals, scientists, and EOD amongst others, helping to facilitate improved interagency response efforts. The JCBRN Defence COE will provide additional information on this course in the near future.